Warm sunlight streamed in through the open casement window, bathing her mother and the bundle she bore in white-gold. She saw instead a sight so beautiful it could have been a painting hung in Sunfury Spire. Sylvanas stumbled in a second after, bracing for the worst.

She was clumsy as she ran.ĭespite his weeping burden, Verath reached the room before Sylvanas, vanishing into the quarters he and his wife shared. Sylvanas did not think she had ever been truly afraid of anything in her life, but suddenly fear locked her in its cold grasp. There was no sound from above, of another child crying its first breath.
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A sensitive child, Vereesa had picked up on the tension and started crying the moment they departed, much to Halduron’s consternation, and she now was sobbing at full tilt. Halduron handed Vereesa back to her father, and Verath and Sylvanas raced up the stairs. Sylvanas and her father leaped off the dragonhawks almost before the creatures were close enough to land. Her mother had doubtless summoned some of the finest healers in the land the moment it became apparent that the newest addition to the family was determined to join it ahead of schedule. Verath’s reaction had unsettled her, and she was doing her utmost not to worry. She sat behind her father, arms around his waist, resting her cheek on his back. Alleria was the only one who needed to produce the future ranger-general. Sylvanas was not particularly interested in children other than her younger sister nor had she given much thought to having children of her own. He settled the girl safely in front of him while Jirri slipped off her dragonhawk and Verath and Sylvanas climbed atop it. His effort at lightening the mood was received with worried silence as Verath handed Vereesa to him. “Apparently, someone neglected to inform the child,” Halduron retorted. “But the child isn’t due for several weeks-”

Sylvanas had never seen her father look so distressed. “My lord, you must return to the spire at once,” Jirri said “Lady Lireesa has gone into labor!” Although she was clearly trying to control her emotions, the normally smiling Jirri was pale and almost. “Halduron!” her father called as Halduron, Jirri, and the dragonhawks approached. This excerpt takes place early in the novel, revealing a young Sylvanas' first encounter with her infant brother Lirath.