
Inca rulers
Inca rulers

inca rulers

They built large stone structures without mortar and constructed suspension bridges and roads that crossed the steep mountain valleys of the Andes. How were the Inca able to construct their large public works? As well as the roads the Incas had messengers called chasquis. The Incas also made rope suspension bridges. To help rule their vast empire the Incas created an efficient network of roads. What device did the Incas use to govern their vast empire? … Which of the following is considered to be an achievement of the Inca civilization? They offered peace and protection to those who joined the empire. How did the Incan government treat those they conquered? A. How did the Inca government treat those they conquered? … Society was broken into two distinct parts. A number of religious officials and magistrates oversaw the administration of the empire directly below the emperor. The Inca Empire was a hierarchical system with the emperor or Inca Sapa ruling over the rest of society. Did the Incas have a system of writing? How did the Incas organize their empire? They used quipus or a set of strings as memory devices. Chasquis or messengers carried the message from one station to the next. The Incas built messenger stations every couple of miles along the main roads. What two things did the Incas build to help them manage their empire? How did the Incan system of government help to unify and strengthen the empire? They created taxes built a vast empire governed by beauracracy linked by extensive road systems. How did the Inca system of government help to unify and strengthen the empire? The pantheon was headed by Inti the sun god and included also Viracocha a creator god and culture hero and Apu Illapu the rain god. The Inca religion combined features of animism fetishism and the worship of nature gods. Inti – Inti was the most important of the gods to the Inca. The Inca believed that their gods occupied three different realms: 1) the sky or Hanan Pacha 2) the inner earth or Uku Pacha and 3) the outer earth or Cay pacha. They believed that their ruler the Inca Sapa was part god himself. What did the Inca believe about their ruler? … Ayllu were the basis for Inca society as they use to do most of the work in the society they did not own land but they have to work on the land and grow crops for the society they also had to pay taxes. The Incas built and managed their empire by using elaborate irrigation methods. How did the Incas build and manage their empire? It also provided a larger population that the Inca could tax in labor to produce food and goods. … Expanding the empire through conquest most likely enabled the Inca empire to control more land and resources. The Inca used language as a path to help them integrate people they conquered. What helped the Inca control its large empire?

Inca rulers